Saturday, December 29, 2007

The 10 Fundamental Principles Of Blogging

By Zigfred Diaz

As I read through several blogs and several books on blogging, monetizing your site, internet marketing etc., I have observed that majority of bloggers agree on certain fundamental principles that each has seriously followed throughout the years. The said principles are:

1.) It's all about passion - Articles you write in your blog should be something that you are passionate about. Topics that you have somewhat achieved a level of expertise in, topics that puts you on fire, topics that makes your eyes wide open when discussed about, topics that awes and amazes you and opens your mouth wide.

2.) Blog for people - Although search engine optimization is something that should be seriously considered by all bloggers, it should not take precedence over people. Blogs should not be all about keywords, tags or any other gimmick out there in order to make sure that we all each get a higher search engine. What is important that people keep coming back to your site because your post actually helps them or is relevant to them. I believe it was legendary marketer John Chow who said "People First before Google."

3.) Frequency is more important than length - How long the posts are, is not as important as how frequently you post. The posts in your blog may be long or short depending on the topic discussed. The most important thing about the blog is that it is frequently updated.

4.) Blog Away !- If you are new at blogging, don't worry about your site statistics or if there are no comments on your site. It may take a while for search engines to crawl to your site. You don't have to worry because if you write good posts with people first in mind, the traffic will just flow.

5.) Learn more about blogging - Bloggers should not stop learning about how to be more effective in their craft. Learn more about topics on how to be effective on your blogging, about search engine optimization, etc. The moment you stop learning, you stop to blog.

6.) Read, Read Read !!! - What can you possibly blog about if you do not read ? You must have a voracious appetite for learning. You must also have a passion to tell your readers what you have learned.

7.) Blog with a schedule - I believe having a blogging schedule will force you to think of something to blog about. This may not work for others as they just blog whatever comes into their mind. Being a structured person, I work best when I submit myself to a structured way of doing things. Using a blog schedule will also ensure that I have balanced the number of articles on the categories that I wish to blog.

8.) Be personal - Inject some humor if you have to ! Your readers must feel as if you they are talking to a pal when they read your blog. The language and words you use should be so understandable that your readers should not have to resort to a dictionary before they could understand what you are trying to say. Explain things in layman's term as much as possible, even if the subject matter is so technical.

9.) Aim for the best ! - Aiming for the best does not only apply in school or at work, it very much well applies when it comes to blogging. Among other things, you must go over and edit your posts. You must make sure your presentation and layout are user friendly and not an eye sore.

10.) Blog for life - Don't view blogging as something that you are temporarily doing just because you don't have anything to do as of now or something which you do in order to achieve a certain amount of money and afterwards you will then stop blogging since you have already achieved your goal. Plan to blog for life. Blogging may bring you monetary "blessings." However always consider that such is only secondary. As you go about your day to day experience, having an attitude of blogging for life will make you further appreciate such experiences since you will looking forward to writing it to on your next posts.

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